Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Italy Region 2: PALERMO

Like Roma before it, Italy Region 2 - Palermo - is a breeze to go through at Bronze Level.

Complete the second job on the Energy Path and you will obtain your next Village Property, the Winery.

The Winery, like each Village property, uses the core four Italian "parts" (columns, woodwork, tiles, slabs) - plus a part unique to the Region in which you build that Property. In Roma, for your Villa, it was the Volcanic Bricks. In Palermo, it is the Wine Barrel.

One job drops Rail Tickets repeatedly, needed as Gate Loot for a job in Region 3 - Venezia.

You will occasionally get a Bottle of Olive Oil as a boost, giving you +100 defense in a fight. (There is also a boost dropping in Italy jobs that gives you +100 attack in a fight).

Unlike Roma, Palermo features drop items from at least two of the four Italy Collections, each requiring seven items to complete to vault for a bonus:

-The Dinner is Served Collection (+10% item drop rate in Italy)

-The Roman Standards Collection (+10 attack, +10 defense).

Palermo also features the first Social Job in Italy: Survive Adriano's Betrayal.

Click on the artwork for each of the Palermo jobs (on all paths) to read an interesting story from the 1930s, in which you struggle to establish your Winery and obtain water rights, only to be betrayed by Adriano, a member of your Mafia. Adriano sends his assassins to kill you. After a narrow escape, you flee from Italy with your family and recover in America, rebuilding strength and determination to track down Adriano - who later appears as the Boss in Palermo.

The artwork in each job is amazingly rendered and worth reviewing each one - it is almost like a graphic novel.

The Palermo loot has slightly better stats that the Roma loot, but still nothing worth stockpiling:

*Fucile Longo* (Weapon)

*Cavalletta* (Vehicle)

*Gallo* (Animal)

None of these can (yet) be traded or gifted.

As with the loot dropped in Roma, the Palermo loot is not worth stocking... so there's no need to move up past Bronze level, but there's also no need to stay in Palermo for now. You'll likely want to head to the next Region (Venezia) rather than work your way through Palermo - Silver.

Italy Strategy Tip: Doing the jobs gives you plenty of Lira to buy the necessary Inventory. This leads me to recommend that you use your Italy parts (marble, colums, woodwork, tiles) to upgrade your Port before you upgrade your Village properties (Villa, Winery, etc). Your Port upgrades allow you to purchase items of higher quality at each level, while your other Village properties generate more Lira... which you don't yet need.

By the time you upgrade your Port to Level 6 and are getting items with stats in the 60s, you should have a nice stockpile of Lira - just from doing jobs in the Regions and collecting from your Village properties - to spend on those items.

Finish any path to the Boss and you will meet your old nemesis, Don Aldo Adriano. (I recommend you finish ALL paths to the Boss before fighting him, for reasons detailed in my next entry on Region 3 - Milano)

The ominous warning about the Boss's henchmen is a bluff. Palermo Bronze was also a 4-shot fight, with both henchman dying after one attack apiece, and Don Adriano - at 400 health in Bronze Level - bowing in two quick rounds.

Your reward for defeating Don Aldo Adriano is Aldo's Palermitan Horse. Even at Bronze Level, this Animal will be one of your standouts with its 55/82 stats:

Remember - no need to fly through to Ruby level here. Keep the job energy and stamina costs low, as you will need many Wine Barrels to upgrade your Winery, and lots of Rail Tickets to use in Venezia.

As noted in the Italy Region 1: Roma post, at Palermo's Silver level, you can jump right to the two jobs that drop the Wine Barrels (now 19 energy per click) and Rail Tickets (45 energy).

With a decent energy account, you can amass enough Wine Barrels (get about 400 to be safe) and Rail Tickets (get at least 200) to get you all the way to a Level 10 Winery and Ruby Level in Venezia, where you need Rail Tickets.

Next stop... Venezia (Italy Region 3)

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