(Dec 10 Update - we now have the same links for Private Zoo upgrade parts!)
(Dec 22 Update - everyone who uses these links should also check out THIS POST to see how to get 50+ additional Terracotta Tiles & Stone Columns EVERY DAY!)
(Dec 22 Update - everyone who uses these links should also check out THIS POST to see how to get 50+ additional Terracotta Tiles & Stone Columns EVERY DAY!)
Terracotta Tiles are by far the hardest of the four Italy Village parts to come by, with Stone Columns second. The other two - Italian Hardwood and Marble Slabs - you can gift.
As confirmed by numerous readers, the links below will allow you to *GIFT* Terracotta Tiles and Stone Columns to your Mafia members.
When you click on the links below (either one), you will see a screen like this:
And you will think, "Phil is an idiot! I wanted to send TILES and COLUMNS, not a Mystery Bag!"
But click through - the next screen is more promising.
Supposedly, sending this Mystery Bag WILL result in the recipient getting the Tile or Column, despite appearances. The recipient can then return the Tile or Column to you!
You'll need lots of these parts not only to finish your existing Italy Village Properties, but also to finish the disco or nightclub that Mafia Wars seems ready to unveil when Italy Region 6, Region 7, and Region 8 go live.
So try these links:
Update: Looking for Marble Slabs and Italian Hardwood? We've got the same types of links HERE. <<==== CLICK LINK
Hat tip to the Loot Lady for this one.
The Stone Columns & Teracotta Tiles are not working. >_<