Thursday, November 12, 2009

Mafia Wars Guide - Beta Test E-mails out, Other News

So, as I have mentioned a few times now, I have a very much upgraded version of my original Mafia Wars Guide which will be released soon.

Well, now that I have had some time to think about how to work Moscow into the equation, the initial version is finally done, and I have just sent out e-mails to the 6 testers I picked from last month's post asking for testers. So if you are one of those people, check your e-mail! In 72 hours, if everyone has yet to respond, I may send out another e-mail or two, so all is not lost yet if you were hoping to snag a free copy.

If you purchased the last guide, I will upgrade you free of charge. Thanks for your support! More details on that closer to release.

For the rest of the readers, expect a release soon. By switching over to Clickbank, I will be able to offer free updates as content comes out in addition to being able to split the guide into sections for different levels of advancement, thereby offering something for both beginners and advanced players.

In other news

A lot of things got broke the other night.

Somethings got fixed. For some people with access to rackets, influence disappeared and rackets were able to be purchased for just small amounts of New York currency. Thanks to that, I will have a cash rackets post up soon with the scoop on that. This has been reverted back to influence for those effected.

However, some things did not get fixed. A lot of the coding behind Mafia Wars changed, and now virtually every 3rd party add-on no longer works. And even if you are not running 3rd party add-ons, the game is still very buggy and simply is not running very well.

Rumor has it that Zynga is banning players for using 3rd party tools, but as they say, screen-shot or it did not happen. That's ridiculous - I would venture a guess, based on traffic to Spockholm and other 3rd party tool sites that almost half their daily active players use 3rd party tools. Banning half the player base is not a smart move and would effect their bottom line.

What I expect to happen is we will continue to see this "coding war" where Zynga's developers try to code around 3rd party tools while Mafia Wars fans, that also happen to be programmers, simply work around it.

Personally, I think it is a waste of Zynga's time. Millions of people play Mafia Wars - many more players than they could ever afford to hire - so eventually some bored programmer will work his or her way around it.


And a mod that calculates EXP:Energy ratio remaining till the next level is already out, and can be found here:

Only a matter of time for gifting to be back..

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